What does an IT band, an Achilles tendon, and a 4th metatarsal have in common?!
Well...if they are located on my body, specifically on the right side...they've been injured at one time or another during my training. (and...each injury was probably due to me making a stupid training choice/error)
~IT band: in September of 2009 as my training drew to a close for Marathon #1 (Chicago in October of 2009)...I was completing one of my longer training runs with some new friends in the Lake Run Club Marathon Training group...it was 18 miles or so...and for some unknown reason, I decided to really push it for that last mile. I was all full of adrenaline or something, and took off for that final mile. I ended up running that final mile in just over 7 minutes (which, for me, was a feat :)). What do ya know...that week I started having knee problems. UGH!!
~Achilles tendon: Last fall (2010), prior to marathon #3 (Quad Cities)...I was still having some knee issues. Leading up to the marathon, I spent a lot of time in the pool swimming laps and pool jogging thanks to my knee. I ended up finishing the marathon quite strong (for me!) and even PR'ed. The day after, though, my ankle bothered the crap outta me. The next Saturday, pain and all, I ran a 5k...Run the Woods. I was running it with some co-workers and had really talked it up. There was no way, in my mind, that I wasn't going. I even got 2nd in my age group! The following week the ankle hurt even more...so I had it checked out by a sports doctor. Turns out I had some nasty Achilles tendinitis, complete with that really fun crunching sound when ya move (crepitus...a fun word).
~Metatarsal...specifically #4...currently I am dealing with a lovely stress fracture. I am reluctant to admit that it is likely "my own fault". Last Sunday I ran 2 5k's. I ran the first one in 22:52, which boils down to 7:22ish minute miles. Honestly, in the grand scheme...that's nothing all too impressive. However, it was a 5k PR for me...and it happened to be a relatively small, event...and I ended up being the top female finisher! This event was at 1pm in the afternoon...and there was a second 5k across town at 2:30. I am sure you know where this is going. I thought...why not? I ran the second one a bit slower (24ish minutes)....but after just about 1 mile, I started to feel some pain in my right foot. I did slow my pace a bit, but it honestly didn't hurt badly enough to stop (or so I thought). When I finished (I was the 4th female finisher in this event and the 15th finisher overall....this event was quite a bit bigger than the 1st)....I was DEFINITELY "feeling it"! It was pretty miserable walking about a mile to where my car was parked. I went to see a PT this week who ran ultrasound over it...apparently stress fractures do not show up on x-rays until about 3 weeks after the fact when they've begun to heal and you can see the new ossification of the bone. Apparently, though, if you run ultrasound over it...it causes the bones to vibrate, resulting in pain. While I wouldn't classify the ensuing "pain" as "severe", it was definitely uncomfortable....so, I'm in a walking boot right now. Pretty awesome, and pretty hot!
SO....it is looking like, unfortunately, the half marathon at the U of I will not be happening for me next Saturday. I am trying not to think about it too much so as not to be really sad about it. Truth is, I am super bummed. My sister and Jeremy are running...I am definitely still planning to go, and will likely just see if I can volunteer at a water station or something.
I'm hoping to make it to the Lake Run in a week (which would be three weeks after the stress fracture began)...but we'll see. If not, I'll just man a water station there too. Guess I'll just embrace the opportunities as lessons in humility, eh?
My first tri is one month away...precisely four weeks from today. I've been keeping up the swimming and biking ends of things (just got back from a 13 mile bike ride, actually, and am presently icing my foot on the couch :)). I sincerely hope to make it...we'll see.
Well...I plan to keep on keepin' on! Hopefully my body cooperates :)
WELCOME! I *occasionally* write about my running/training/kitchen adventures as a way to record & learn from my disasters & triumphs...& maybe to inspire/spur someone on to explore the fun of running. We welcomed our little boy in the spring of 2016 & have been learning how to train & regain fitness post-baby {while juggling working, school, & being a mama/wife}! This is a sometimes wild ride, but I am loving every minute. Happy reading...& training!