Well, it's definitely been an adventurous past five days! I'm currently "stranded" in Arlington, Virginia thanks to Hurricane Sandy. I'm beginning to wonder if I'm not being sent some sort of cosmic sign that participating in big endurance events is not what I should be doing with my time. I don't have a very good history with traveling to events...
A few illustrations...
Exhibit A: In May of 2011 when I traveled to Kansas City with my friend Jillian to participate in my first-ever triathlon , the area was hit by a large tornado that destroyed property and caused lots of damage in the area. This took place the night before our event, necessitating that we spend a good portion of the night in a basement. Sleep was hard to come by in the midst of the weather drama.
While we waited in line for our respective heats to take off from the beach the morning of the event, we were horrified to observe a man in the heat prior to Jillian's get dragged from the water, non-responsive. Obviously this was horrid...and it did NOTHING to improve my anxiety about my first tri. We were given the option to skip the swim portion of the event by the race director...but both of us quickly made the decision to carry on as planned. Aside from a mild "panic attack" in the water requiring that I spend some time on my back to get myself under control...I made it through the event relatively unscathed.
Exhibit B: Then there was my March 2012 Virginia Beach Shamrock Marathon debacle. Long story short, I ended up passing out twice on my flight to VA (I was solo)...I had to spend the rest of the flight seated next to a nurse and was taken off the flight first in a wheelchair when we reached our connection location in ATL. There I was checked out by some medical personnel and had to sign a waiver stating I did not want to go immediately to an ER. After I made it safely to VA I spent the evening resting and went to a prompt care the next morning. I was told by some non-comforting and nasty staff that they wouldn't treat me as they were concerned that I could have a brain tumor or a bleed (!!!). They instructed me to go to an ER and that they wouldn't see me...at all...even though all I was presenting with at the time were signs and symptoms of a sinus infection.
I found the nearest ER and was seen after a short wait. I underwent a number of blood tests, a urinalysis and a cardiac evaluation. They determined I was dehydrated and hooked me up to an IV with fluids. After a few hours it was determined that neither an MRI nor a CT were warranted and I simply needed antibiotics for...wait for it...sinusitis.
Much to the chagrin of many of my friends and my mother I got the go-ahead to participate in the marathon from the ER doc. Seeing as I was indeed pretty sick, it was a miserable experience. With a bit of grit and tenacity...I finished that darn marathon, though...after some walking and a visit to a porta potty at mile 14. My finish time was under 5 hours...but barely (4:52:01). A far cry from my PR in Sept of '11 of 3:49:46!
So anyway...there you have it...a brief history of my somewhat tumultuous past associated with traveling for races.
So in early March I discovered that the 2012 Marine Corps Marathon was scheduled to occur on my 30th birthday. As the past year has been, for lack of a better way to describe it, a crapfest...I was definitely dreading the big dirty thirty. I decided that scheduling myself something big and exciting in honor of my big 3-0 was the way to go. On the day registration for the MCM opened...I hopped on my trusty iPad and registered. Good thing I was on top of it...because the race filled up in record time: 2 hours and 40 minutes!
Fast forward to present day...(and Exhibit C)
My friend Jillian and I flew out to DC together Friday. We planned to stay with Jillian's great friends Adelle and Jason while out here. Jillian had registered to participate in the 10K at the MCM event.
Friday night we went out for sushi and other Asian cuisine with some of Jillian's friends (she used to live out here). Saturday we spent a lot of time at the race expo exploring the goods available. I purchased an amazing race belt with pockets for gels/etc, a running dress (!!!), some socks and a MCM jacket. It was a zoo in there! I also sampled some favors of nuun (electrolyte drink) that were new to me and got a body composition test done (even though Jillian made fun of me and said tests like the one I did are inaccurate...whatever ;-)).
At the expo, people were buzzing about the forecasted hurricane approaching. We started to get nervous about the impending storm and how it could affect the race (and, of course, our safety and ability to get home).
Saturday night we had dinner at a seafood restaurant called The Oceanaire. I had an amazing sea bass entree with sweet potato spears and black "forbidden rice". It was truly one of the best meals I'd eaten in my entire life...mmmm!
I went to bed earlyish (10 or so) and slept like crap...for some reason, the night before an event I can never sleep well. My alarm went off earrrrly...at 4:45am. Jillian and I headed down for me to catch a shuttle to the event at 5:30am. It was great...they had shuttle service scheduled to run very early from right outside the apartment building we stayed in. I hopped on the shuttle and Jillian caught the metra to her starting line (the starts were not close to one another). The shuttle ride was quick and easy...about 15 minutes. When we arrived near the runners village (outside of the pentagon), we had to walk about a half mile to an area where we got a quick pat-down by some hot marines (good start to the day ;-)) to ensure we weren't packing anything suspicious before entering the actual "village" area. After being checked out...I sat down on the cold pavement in the dark for a while and ate my almonds and banana. It began sprinkling as I sat there...and I began to get nervous that it could rain throughout the marathon. The cold...wetness...chafing...etc...ugh!!! I wasn't looking forward to it much at all...
After sitting around for a bit and enjoying some serious people-watching opportunities in front of my face ( definitely one of my favorite pastimes at races!! Runners are just so weird!!!!! Yes, I include myself in that stereotype ;-)), I took my gear bag (with some food and dry clothes for after the event) to the gear check area. It was quite efficient. Each person had been assigned a specific truck where he/she was to leave his/her belongings and then retrieve them at the end.
Around 7:25 (30 minutes from the start), race officials began to funnel the thousands of participants toward the start. I hurried to visit the porta potties for the third time (ha!) and struggled through the crowd to get up to the 4:00 start coral (runners who estimates a finish time of 4 hours). As we walked to the start corrals, they did some fly-overs with a variety of military planes which was pretty impressive.
When the howitzer blast signaled the start of the race at 7:55...I was definitely ready to get my body moving. I was a bundle of tightly-bound nerves that craved a release. It took about five minutes to actually cross the start line from where I was. As I walked/jogged to the start I made sure my Garmin and iPod were all set to go...and then I was off!
The first three miles were crowded. It wasn't horrid...but there definitely wasn't much room to obtain your own "space". Thankfully I didn't care about my time and was content to relax and take it easy...and so I just went with the flow of the crowd. After that, people began to space out a bit. I had worn a running rain jacket (after MUCH thought and deliberation over attire) as it seemed likely that the rain would become intense throughout the morning. After about 4 miles, though, I got a bit too roasty toasty and took it off and tied it around my waist.
The first 12 miles or so were hilly...more so than I expected. I kept an 8:30-9:15 pace for much of that. I had gone into this race truly not caring about my finish time. I wanted to simply run the race and enjoy it. I wanted to take in the sights and enjoy running a huge, thrilling event on my thirtieth birthday. So, I just ran whatever "felt good" and didn't get worked up one way or another about my pace. It was pretty liberating, really, not to stress about time/pace.
After about 14 miles...the wind started. Ugh...it got kinda intense at times and was a bit irritating. However, I was sooo thankful the rain held off! I would
MUCH rather deal with wind as opposed to rain.
At mile 18 I saw a girl I went to high school with! Carissa Severson graduated in my high school class with me in 2001 and joined the marines shortly after that. She was one of the marines at mile 18 handing out jelly belly sport beans! It was fun to see a familiar face....and at that point, those jelly beans tasted mighty delicious!
Around mile 18.5 I slowed a bit (but kept jogging ;-)) to slide my iPhone out of my new race belt (which was AMAZING by the way! This belt was very tight/fitted and had a pocket all the way around. I kept my gels, phone, honey stingers and a ziplock bag with my ID, a credit card, metra pass and $20 all in it...and NOTHING moved around or even felt bulky AT ALL! Seriously! Best race belt ever...$25 at the expo very, very well-spent!)...anyway, and I snapped a picture of the capital. The route really was beautiful...running a marathon through the mall is definitely the best way to see and enjoy the monuments!
Around mile 19 I pulled something (?) in my thigh/hip...and my right leg from the hip flexor area down to the outside of my knee had shooting pains. It definitely wasn't pleasant, but it wasn't worth stopping over! I considered a number of times stopping to stretch things out...but stopped myself from trying (right, wrong or otherwise!) because I thought it would feel worse to get started again if I stopped to stretch. I walked through some water stops to try to bring some relief to the darn thing, but nothing really seemed to help.
I finished the race in 4:33...not my best and not my worst showing. If I were to be completely honest, I'm a bit disappointed in myself for not getting under 4 hours. I know, I know...that's not exactly rational as I did go into the race with no goal other than to finish having had a great time. And 4:33 is by no means "horrible!"
Also...I should cut myself some slack as I really didn't train for this race intensely...at all. I completed my first 70.3 just a month prior to this event and my focus for a majority of the summer was not running but instead was biking and swimming. And...my longest run this summer (which was about 2 months ago!) was 18 miles. I did a fair number of 12-14 mile runs throughout the summer, but nowhere near the number of 18-22+ mi runs I SHOULD'VE been doing if I really wanted a great marathon time. With the biking, swimming, races and crazy work schedules, though, it was just a big challenge to find time for those long runs. Clearly I will need to LOSE the excuses next summer, though, as I train for my full ironman!! I'm not making excuses...just illustrating explanations.
After the finish, the finishers were funneled through an area where they were given a medal by a marine who then saluted each runner after placing a medal around his/her neck (which begged the question..."Why is someone who defends our country on a daily basis saluting ME? All I did was run a marathon!!"). After that, finishers were funneled through to photographers who took each person's picture in front of the marine corps memorial. Ive never purchased a race photo before...but that may be a photo worth paying for. Finally, we were guided through the crowds to a line to wait in in order to receive a box with some trail mix, pretzels and hummus, a bagel and a few other food items. Luckily they also had large boxes of bananas lying around...as the box of food was basically chock-full of wheat (meaning I couldn't eat most of the items!). Glutenous items are pretty popular post-races for most!
After the snack, I found my way to the long line of UPS trucks to retrieve my checked bag from truck #6. I immediately took out my clean and dry MCM jacket out of my bag...I had preemptively decided that I would likely want a clean and dry jacket post-race, even if the rain did hold off. I probably looked like a big freak...I was sooo cold and at that point was sporting many lawyers: tank top, long-sleeved running top, rain jacket, thin white MCM finisher throw-away jacket, and blue MCM jacket. Plus, I had two hoods pulled up over my pink and white 70.3 visor. Ahhh quite a vision ;-). After I did my best to raise my core body temp, I found my way to the incredibly LONG lines for the shuttles I joined the line and noted that the man directly in front of me had an m dot tattoo on his right calf. I decided to ask him about it and he was all too happy to chat about his four full Ironman events and numerous 70.3 distance races. I ended up getting lots of great advice from him about training for my own full ironman event (just 10 months from now...WOW!!!). Turns out, he's a high-ranking marine who is stationed where my brother is in San Diego. Small world! It's so much fun meeting fellow long-distance endurance event athletes. Typically they are so nice and very excited to talk about their experiences. I have so much to learn and it's fun for me to glean tidbits of knowledge from those with more experience than me!
After a 60+ minute wait for a bus, I was transported back to where Jillian and Jason were waiting for me...with a hot mocha in hand. Mmmmm...it was deeeelicious!
I then learned that after Jillian's 10k event, the three of them had gone to a grocery store to stock up on hurricane provisions...bottled water and non-perishable food items. I also learned at that time that flights Sunday pm and all day Monday and Tuesday had been canceled...in addition, there were no available busses or trains out, nor were there rental cars available. It became clear it was time to hunker down and prepare to face my first hurricane.
Sunday night we ordered some amazing pizza from Naked Pizza. Not only did they have gluten free pizza available, but they also delivered! It was a scrumptious birthday dinner...even if it wasn't the fancy Mexican dinner out we had planned on (I was moderately bummed to not get the opportunity to wear my cute new brown and black lacy birthday shirt I purchased during my birthday shopping trip with my sis, friend Jen, mom and aunt Linda ;-)).
Monday after a workout in the apartment fitness center, the four of us escaped the apartment to go stock up on yarn at a local knitting store that had not shut down yet. It was raining, but wasn't terrible...until after lunch. We ate at a yummy Five Guys and as we left...about blew away as we walked to Adelle and Jason's car. We hurried home and didn't leave the apartment again. The weather started to get pretty nasty...loud wind, heavy rain, etc. We entertained ourselves with endless episodes of Revenge, reading weather reports on our iPads and eating lots of food. We watched buildings around us lose power...but somehow we never did.
We ended up making it through the worst of the storm just fine. Many around us, though, were not as lucky. Many lost power and there was property damage/trees ripped out of tr ground, etc in the areas surrounding is. We were definitely disappointed/irritated by the disruption to "normal" life that this storm caused...but we know that we should definitely be very grateful for our safety.
Tuesday Jillian and I visited a local yoga studio to try out a vinyasa class. Today (Wed) we rented Capital Bikeshare bikes to tool around DC. It was amazing!! I'm almost ready to trade in the madone for a clunky commuter bike with chunky tires ;-). Ok...probably not! We rode our bikes to a second yoga studio to explore another class. We loved it even more than the first!
So...it was a long "weekend" of eating and sitting...but it was also a great weekend of working out. A marathon, trip to the gym, bike ride around DV and two intense and wonderful vinyasa classes....ahhhh!!
It is now Wednesday, October 31 and flights have finally resumed. American Airlines has Jillian and myself on a flight out of Reagan at 8:40. After we fly in to O'Hare and drive back to
Bloomington...we will be lucky to get home by 1am. It's definitely going to be a long night...and subsequently a long day at work tomorrow, but I truly cannot WAIT to get home! :-)
Here's hoping marathon #7 goes off without a hitch! Wednesday, December 26 I am running Jack's Marathon in CA while I visit my brother in San Diego. This is a small-ish marathon that a father started for his son who has Autism...clearly a more-than-worthy cause, and one that is right up my SLP alley. AND...my love sister-in-law will be doing this one with me!!! She will be running the half marathon there...her first! The event is a half marathon course that the full marathon entrants simply complete twice. It's great...Laura and I will be able to run the first loop together and after she finishes her half marathon...I will continue on to do a second loop. I plan on staying with her and experiencing her first half marathon adventure with her...I can't wait!!! There's not much I love more than seeing people accomplish new running feats!
Marine Corps Marathon 2012...you were a great choice for my sixth marathon...and you were chock-FULL of adventure! I'm thankful for the memories...and grateful for my safety...but can't wait to get home!
WELCOME! I *occasionally* write about my running/training/kitchen adventures as a way to record & learn from my disasters & triumphs...& maybe to inspire/spur someone on to explore the fun of running. We welcomed our little boy in the spring of 2016 & have been learning how to train & regain fitness post-baby {while juggling working, school, & being a mama/wife}! This is a sometimes wild ride, but I am loving every minute. Happy reading...& training!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Monday, October 15, 2012
I'm (half of) an Iron(wo)man!
There is not much in the world that is more rewarding than setting a goal...and working your butt off...and then accomplishing said goal. Throw in a big mess of crap (re: personal crisis) that you had to fight through whilst working toward the goal...and success is even more sweet.
Swim (1.5k; open water with wetsuit): 37:38
T1: 4:56
Bike (38k/23.6 mi): 1:19:32
T2: 2:37
Run (10k/6.2mi): 56:06
Total: 3:00:47
Place: 358/511 overall; 12/28 in my gender/age group; and 64/148 for women
More important than what the numbers show, though...I felt good...maybe even GREAT!! The run was a two-loop course consisting of two 5k loops. I did my second loop faster than the first...and I felt really quite wonderful at the finish! It took a fair amount out of me...but I still had a lot left! That fact was mentally encouraging. While I knew (and still know!) I had (and still have!) a LONG way to go and MUCH room for improvement...I was gradually getting the hang of this whole triathlon business! A FAR cry from my first "real" tri experience in May of 2011!
I was excited to participate in this triathlon on my "home turf". The race is held each year just 15 minutes from where I live. It's so much fun to do area races and see the same familiar faces. There are two "big" triathlons in the Blo-No area...the Evergreen Lake Triathlon (which offers both sprint and Olympic distances) and the Tri-Shark in June (which is a sprint distance tri). The Tri-Shark event had sold out months prior to my new interest in the business of triathlon...so instead of participating, I actually volunteered at it. I, along with a friend, manned the Bike Out area...it was a lot of fun! Volunteering at area races is something I need to make an effort to do more of...volunteers are SO crucial to races...and it is a lot of FUN volunteering to boot!
Swim (1.5K swim; open water; no wetsuit): 47:35.2/2:54 100's (um...YIKES! Talk about a super-slow 1.5K swim. I am not exactly sure what happened to me...except that I am HORRID at swimming!!!! Goodness!)
T1: 2:12.8
Bike (40k/24.8 mi): 1:21:30.5 (18.3 mph)
T2: 1:36.8
Run (10k/6.2mi): 52.59.9 (8:31 min/mi pace)
Total: 3:05:55.2
Place: 285/343 overall and 15/21 in my gender/age group
So....clearly my swim really made me choke during this event! Seriously...I wonder what happened. Was I half-dead? Did I swim off course? I really have no idea. I'm just glad I improved upon this travesty of a showing as the season went on!
This was a TINY event!! There were only 26 people competing in the Olympic distance event! This didn't work out so well for me...as I came very close to getting last ;).
Swim (.9mi; open water; no wetsuit): 41:02 (45:36/mile pace) (24th out of 26 overall after the swim)
T1: 1:59.5
Bike (24 mi): 1:21:50.40 (17.7 mph) (24th out of 26 overall after the bike)
T2: 1:27.25
Run (10k/6.2 mi): 54:37.05 (8:49 min/mi pace) (AND, I moved up from 24th to 22nd out of 26 overall after the run ;). YAHOO for passing two people ;)).
Total: 3:00:56.35
Funny: I got FIRST in my age group. HA...yeah...out of ONE in my age group ;). I even got a trophy to bring home for my accomplishment. Oh boy...it felt a little ridiculous getting called up to the front of the beach house to retrieve my prize. Hey...whatever...I should flaunt it ;).
"Long Course": 1.2 mile swim; 54 mile bike; 13 mile run (so ALMOST a half Ironman distance race)
Long story short...this is another story of "Rachel registered on a whim!" I had planned for months to visit MN with my friend Jillian to watch her complete this race...her first half Ironman distance race. I bought a plane ticket and planned to fly out Friday after work and meet her up in MN. Jillian's parents live near the location of this race and Jillian, her husband and their son drove up Thursday evening. They also brought my bike; the plan was that Jillian and I would bike part of the bike course together on Friday night so that she would know what she was up against.
Well...the bike course was hilly. That fact was compounded by the awful wind that we fought against Friday night during our ride. Jillian started to get a bit nervous...and I jokingly said that I would do the event with her. She grasped onto that idea more tightly than I expected. Later that night, we met her trainer Luis for coffee at Cariboo Coffee. She told Luis about "our" idea for me to do the event with her...we discussed the fact that I had my own half Ironman distance triathlon only two weeks afterwards. Luis told me that, in his opinion, it would be "fine" if I did the event with Jillian if I just took it easy and tapered a LOT on my training before Branson. Why I felt justified in my craziness by gaining the blessing of a man I'd never met before...I'm not exactly sure ;). But...I decided to go for it :).
Saturday was spent running around completing last-minute preparations for the race...a stop at a biking store for nutrition (I hadn't brought any gels or a anything like that), a new helmet (it was on my list of things to get anyway...mine had a crack in it) and a pouch for the front of my bike to hold gels, etc.
I definitely have my work cut out for me. Among other things, my goals for the winter are to improve my darn swimming and to find a coach....I've never worked with a coach before, but I think it's time! I need to improve in many areas...especially my swimming. I am pretty sure that delving into the world of swimming distances of 2.4 miles in open water is best approached by being coached by someone who has been there/done that! I don't want to drown, for sure!! :)
I'm nervous...but really, really excited too :).
Bring it on, Madison! Bring it on.
I am proud to say that I completed my first half Ironman.
In case you are blissfully unaware...a half Ironman triathlon is an event that requires participants to swim for a distance of 1.2 miles, bike for a distance of 56 miles and then run a distance of 13.1 miles (a half marathon). Allow me to do the math for you...the grand total mileage in a half Ironman distance race is 70.3 miles (perhaps now those "70.3" stickers on the back of some vehicles make sense to you :-)).
"My" half Ironman was on Sunday, September 23 in beautiful Branson, MO.
I had never visited Branson prior to the race weekend...so when I mentioned my plan to complete a half Ironman in Branson, people told me, "Oh Branson! It's so pretty! But it's REALLY HILLY too!" Ozarks, eh?! Uh oh....
I began doubting myself/my abilities this summer when it starting sinking in that I had registered for what some say is the most difficult/hilly bike course of any Ironman 70.3 event in the world (um, what?). AND, as a midwest girl...a majority of my training is on FLAT Illinois roads. I became so worked up/preoccupied regarding the bike course...that I "forgot" that I'd also signed up to swim 1.2 miles in a lake. Previously, the whole open-water-swim factor really freaked me out. In hindsight, perhaps it was a "good" thing that I was so mentally freaked out about the bike leg...it made me calm down a bit about the swimming portion. I wasn't worried about the run, other than staying healthy and without injuries. Having had the joy of muscling through five separate full marathons, I was decently confident that I would be able to knock out 13.1 miles...even in the midst of exhaustion.
Backing up....I registered for the Branson 70.3 event on May 24 of this year...just four months out from race day. I confess...I registered on a bit of a whim. I has been talking with a few friends about doing a half Ironman, but hadn't completely decided where/when. I ended up getting an email from Active with a Schwaggle deal for 40% off of the price of an entry into the event...so instead of $200, it was $120. Not able to pass up "such a deal"...I registered.
However, the arrival of the Schwaggle deal into my e-mail inbox was not the first that I had considered the Branson 70.3 event. I had been perusing the Ironman 70.3 site for a while toying with the idea of registering for one. The Branson event piqued my interest for a number of reasons...it was relatively close to where I live/within driving distance...and the event was scheduled for the weekend that would be my fifth wedding anniversary.
Strange way to "celebrate" ones wedding anniversary you may be thinking...well, it wasn't going to be a "celebration" for me. You see...I had moved out on my own in December of 2012 and a divorce has been in the works for quite some time now. It has been a horrible experience and I knew that I needed, for my own sanity, to plan something "big" for myself for the weekend when I "should" be celebrating my 5th wedding anniversary. It made great sense to me to make myself work for something HUGE...so that soon enough "my wedding weekend" could instead be remembered as the weekend I conquered my first half Ironman.
Well...it sounded so good, and somewhat "easy" in my silly head...
Reality quickly sank in after I hit "submit" on my laptop. I had registered for an event that would quite likely take me over 6 hours to complete. I had registered for a HALF IRONMAN triathlon...when my previous triathlon experiences included only a sprint distance tri in May of 2011 (NOT one of the best experiences of my life!) and an "indoor" triathlon in February of 2010 (held in a gym in St. Louis).
I quickly realized that I needed to start some serious training. I wasted no time and began researching area events to pursue as stepping stones to my big A-race.
A friend and I signed up to do the sprint-distance Tri for Kids Sake in Morton, IL...I registered two days before the event (Ha)!! The race was on Saturday, May 26 and consisted of a 0.25 mi swim (in an outdoor pool!), 13.5 mile bike and 3.1 mi run. It was low-key and wonderful. It was a well-organized small event...which was great, since I really had no idea what the heck I was doing :-). I saw one of my good friends from undergrad, Rachel A., there as a surprise! It was great to see her...and it was fun that somehow we had gotten consecutive numbers so we got to stand next to one another in line as we waited to jump in the pool (they started one swimmer every couple of seconds). It was also one of my first rides on my NEW toy...a somewhat sea-foam green (seriously...hahaha!!) WSD Trek Madone 4.6 (this was my "divorce present"/consolation prize to myself. Ha!).
Embarrassingly, it had literally been months since I had swam. Seriously. (Remember...this "triathlon" business really was somewhat of a "whim"!). It almost stopped me for registering for this event...but I decided there was, after all, no time like the present! Time to get myself into the water...pool, lake, triathlon...Whatever...I still gave it all I could (which wasn't much ;-)).
swim (0.25 mi): 10:07.1 (2:32 100's)
T1 (transition1- from swim to bike): 1:29.2
Bike (13.5 mi): 45:18 (17.2 avg mph)
T2: 1:32.2
Run (3.1 mi): 26:34.4 (8:34 min/mi pace)
Total: 1:24:59.1
Place: 56/115 overall and 3rd in my gender/age group!
So...I got to take home a prize for my first tri of 2012! It is a small, rectangular paper-weight type memento/award that is now housed "proudly" on a shelf in my living room. (an aside: I really need to find an attractive, comprehensive way to display all of my race memorabilia...I have baskets full of medals and race numbers...shelves full of awards and the like...hmmmmm)
I knew the next task needed to be conquering the Olympic distance. I registered for the Bigfoot Triathlon in Lake Geneva on June 24. I registered for the event with a friend I had been training with, and my good friend Brooke made arrangements to come spend the night with me the night before and then provide support the morning of the race! It was great to have her there. As much as I pride myself on being "independent"...I'm not going to lie; it really is fabulous to have a good friend around supporting me in an event. Looking out in the crowd and seeing a familiar smiling face in the midst of "suffering" is wonderful. It was pretty cool, I actually spotted her right before I started the swim...as I stood nervously dancing back and forth in line in my wetsuit, I looked out to my right...and there she was, smiling and yelling :). Thanks, Brookie!
So I somehow missed the fact that the swim (which was an open-water swim IN Lake Geneva! Yeah....this kinda freaked me out) was not simply twice the distance of the sprint tri I had done in May (2 x 0.25mi = 0.5 mi or 500 yards)...but was rather 1.5k, or 1700 yards. Don't ask me why I wasn't better mentally prepared...or why I clearly hadn't read the race information very closely...but for some reason, in my head, the swim was "just 500 yards". All I know is the fact that I didn't realize that I would be swimming 1700 yards in open water until the evening prior to the event. Also...I hadn't been in a pool much the previous two weeks leading up to the event, as I was in North Carolin at a training conference for work (and I most definitely had not done ANY open-water swimming yet that summer!). Needless to say, I got a little worked up when I made this discovery (and naturally I learned the all-important lesson of being BETTER PREPARED!).
I had never visited Branson prior to the race weekend...so when I mentioned my plan to complete a half Ironman in Branson, people told me, "Oh Branson! It's so pretty! But it's REALLY HILLY too!" Ozarks, eh?! Uh oh....
I began doubting myself/my abilities this summer when it starting sinking in that I had registered for what some say is the most difficult/hilly bike course of any Ironman 70.3 event in the world (um, what?). AND, as a midwest girl...a majority of my training is on FLAT Illinois roads. I became so worked up/preoccupied regarding the bike course...that I "forgot" that I'd also signed up to swim 1.2 miles in a lake. Previously, the whole open-water-swim factor really freaked me out. In hindsight, perhaps it was a "good" thing that I was so mentally freaked out about the bike leg...it made me calm down a bit about the swimming portion. I wasn't worried about the run, other than staying healthy and without injuries. Having had the joy of muscling through five separate full marathons, I was decently confident that I would be able to knock out 13.1 miles...even in the midst of exhaustion.
Backing up....I registered for the Branson 70.3 event on May 24 of this year...just four months out from race day. I confess...I registered on a bit of a whim. I has been talking with a few friends about doing a half Ironman, but hadn't completely decided where/when. I ended up getting an email from Active with a Schwaggle deal for 40% off of the price of an entry into the event...so instead of $200, it was $120. Not able to pass up "such a deal"...I registered.
However, the arrival of the Schwaggle deal into my e-mail inbox was not the first that I had considered the Branson 70.3 event. I had been perusing the Ironman 70.3 site for a while toying with the idea of registering for one. The Branson event piqued my interest for a number of reasons...it was relatively close to where I live/within driving distance...and the event was scheduled for the weekend that would be my fifth wedding anniversary.
Strange way to "celebrate" ones wedding anniversary you may be thinking...well, it wasn't going to be a "celebration" for me. You see...I had moved out on my own in December of 2012 and a divorce has been in the works for quite some time now. It has been a horrible experience and I knew that I needed, for my own sanity, to plan something "big" for myself for the weekend when I "should" be celebrating my 5th wedding anniversary. It made great sense to me to make myself work for something HUGE...so that soon enough "my wedding weekend" could instead be remembered as the weekend I conquered my first half Ironman.
Well...it sounded so good, and somewhat "easy" in my silly head...
Reality quickly sank in after I hit "submit" on my laptop. I had registered for an event that would quite likely take me over 6 hours to complete. I had registered for a HALF IRONMAN triathlon...when my previous triathlon experiences included only a sprint distance tri in May of 2011 (NOT one of the best experiences of my life!) and an "indoor" triathlon in February of 2010 (held in a gym in St. Louis).
I quickly realized that I needed to start some serious training. I wasted no time and began researching area events to pursue as stepping stones to my big A-race.
Tri for Kids' Sake; Morton, IL; Saturday, May 26, 2012
A friend and I signed up to do the sprint-distance Tri for Kids Sake in Morton, IL...I registered two days before the event (Ha)!! The race was on Saturday, May 26 and consisted of a 0.25 mi swim (in an outdoor pool!), 13.5 mile bike and 3.1 mi run. It was low-key and wonderful. It was a well-organized small event...which was great, since I really had no idea what the heck I was doing :-). I saw one of my good friends from undergrad, Rachel A., there as a surprise! It was great to see her...and it was fun that somehow we had gotten consecutive numbers so we got to stand next to one another in line as we waited to jump in the pool (they started one swimmer every couple of seconds). It was also one of my first rides on my NEW toy...a somewhat sea-foam green (seriously...hahaha!!) WSD Trek Madone 4.6 (this was my "divorce present"/consolation prize to myself. Ha!).
My new toy! All set to go in the transition area at the Tri for Kids' Sake |
swim (0.25 mi): 10:07.1 (2:32 100's)
T1 (transition1- from swim to bike): 1:29.2
Bike (13.5 mi): 45:18 (17.2 avg mph)
T2: 1:32.2
Run (3.1 mi): 26:34.4 (8:34 min/mi pace)
Total: 1:24:59.1
Place: 56/115 overall and 3rd in my gender/age group!
So...I got to take home a prize for my first tri of 2012! It is a small, rectangular paper-weight type memento/award that is now housed "proudly" on a shelf in my living room. (an aside: I really need to find an attractive, comprehensive way to display all of my race memorabilia...I have baskets full of medals and race numbers...shelves full of awards and the like...hmmmmm)
Bigfoot Triathlon; Lake Geneva, Wisconsin; Sunday, June 24
I knew the next task needed to be conquering the Olympic distance. I registered for the Bigfoot Triathlon in Lake Geneva on June 24. I registered for the event with a friend I had been training with, and my good friend Brooke made arrangements to come spend the night with me the night before and then provide support the morning of the race! It was great to have her there. As much as I pride myself on being "independent"...I'm not going to lie; it really is fabulous to have a good friend around supporting me in an event. Looking out in the crowd and seeing a familiar smiling face in the midst of "suffering" is wonderful. It was pretty cool, I actually spotted her right before I started the swim...as I stood nervously dancing back and forth in line in my wetsuit, I looked out to my right...and there she was, smiling and yelling :). Thanks, Brookie!
So I somehow missed the fact that the swim (which was an open-water swim IN Lake Geneva! Yeah....this kinda freaked me out) was not simply twice the distance of the sprint tri I had done in May (2 x 0.25mi = 0.5 mi or 500 yards)...but was rather 1.5k, or 1700 yards. Don't ask me why I wasn't better mentally prepared...or why I clearly hadn't read the race information very closely...but for some reason, in my head, the swim was "just 500 yards". All I know is the fact that I didn't realize that I would be swimming 1700 yards in open water until the evening prior to the event. Also...I hadn't been in a pool much the previous two weeks leading up to the event, as I was in North Carolin at a training conference for work (and I most definitely had not done ANY open-water swimming yet that summer!). Needless to say, I got a little worked up when I made this discovery (and naturally I learned the all-important lesson of being BETTER PREPARED!).
Lake Geneva...looks pretty peaceful! At the time I took this picture, I was NOT looking forward to swimming around that orange buoy!! |
I was excited to wear my new Xterra wetsuit
for the first time. What's that, you say? It's contraindicated to
wear a wetsuit for the FIRST TIME during an event?! Sigh...I'm still
Speaking of that beautiful wetsuit...I ended up ripping the crotch of it with some silly antics prior to the race. Whoops.....(it didn't rip all the way through the lining...and I actually ended up returning it...long story).
All things considered (including the fact that I am a very green rookie at all of this!!), I was satisfied with my "showing."Speaking of that beautiful wetsuit...I ended up ripping the crotch of it with some silly antics prior to the race. Whoops.....(it didn't rip all the way through the lining...and I actually ended up returning it...long story).
Yeah...wearing a wetsuit is fun times :) |
Swim (1.5k; open water with wetsuit): 37:38
T1: 4:56
Bike (38k/23.6 mi): 1:19:32
T2: 2:37
Run (10k/6.2mi): 56:06
Total: 3:00:47
Place: 358/511 overall; 12/28 in my gender/age group; and 64/148 for women
More important than what the numbers show, though...I felt good...maybe even GREAT!! The run was a two-loop course consisting of two 5k loops. I did my second loop faster than the first...and I felt really quite wonderful at the finish! It took a fair amount out of me...but I still had a lot left! That fact was mentally encouraging. While I knew (and still know!) I had (and still have!) a LONG way to go and MUCH room for improvement...I was gradually getting the hang of this whole triathlon business! A FAR cry from my first "real" tri experience in May of 2011!
Evergreen Lake Triathlon; Hudson, IL; Saturday, July 14, 2012
I was excited to participate in this triathlon on my "home turf". The race is held each year just 15 minutes from where I live. It's so much fun to do area races and see the same familiar faces. There are two "big" triathlons in the Blo-No area...the Evergreen Lake Triathlon (which offers both sprint and Olympic distances) and the Tri-Shark in June (which is a sprint distance tri). The Tri-Shark event had sold out months prior to my new interest in the business of triathlon...so instead of participating, I actually volunteered at it. I, along with a friend, manned the Bike Out area...it was a lot of fun! Volunteering at area races is something I need to make an effort to do more of...volunteers are SO crucial to races...and it is a lot of FUN volunteering to boot!
Swim (1.5K swim; open water; no wetsuit): 47:35.2/2:54 100's (um...YIKES! Talk about a super-slow 1.5K swim. I am not exactly sure what happened to me...except that I am HORRID at swimming!!!! Goodness!)
T1: 2:12.8
Bike (40k/24.8 mi): 1:21:30.5 (18.3 mph)
T2: 1:36.8
Run (10k/6.2mi): 52.59.9 (8:31 min/mi pace)
Total: 3:05:55.2
Place: 285/343 overall and 15/21 in my gender/age group
So....clearly my swim really made me choke during this event! Seriously...I wonder what happened. Was I half-dead? Did I swim off course? I really have no idea. I'm just glad I improved upon this travesty of a showing as the season went on!
Effingham Mid-August Meltdown; Effingham, IL; August 12, 2012
This was a TINY event!! There were only 26 people competing in the Olympic distance event! This didn't work out so well for me...as I came very close to getting last ;).
Swim (.9mi; open water; no wetsuit): 41:02 (45:36/mile pace) (24th out of 26 overall after the swim)
T1: 1:59.5
Bike (24 mi): 1:21:50.40 (17.7 mph) (24th out of 26 overall after the bike)
T2: 1:27.25
Run (10k/6.2 mi): 54:37.05 (8:49 min/mi pace) (AND, I moved up from 24th to 22nd out of 26 overall after the run ;). YAHOO for passing two people ;)).
Total: 3:00:56.35
Funny: I got FIRST in my age group. HA...yeah...out of ONE in my age group ;). I even got a trophy to bring home for my accomplishment. Oh boy...it felt a little ridiculous getting called up to the front of the beach house to retrieve my prize. Hey...whatever...I should flaunt it ;).
I was entertained by the shirts from this event :). Yeah, I'm a nerd. |
Blackhawk Lake Triathlon; Highland, WI; Saturday, September 1, 2012
This was another tiny (but FUN!) event! I had registered to do the Tri the Illini event in Mattoon, IL...however due to the forecasted horrid weather (secondary to some tropical storms) the event was CANCELED (which was disappointing, though understandable....it is nice, though, that we can defer to next year for FREE)! I wanted to get in one more Olympic-distance tri before my big half Ironman, so I scrambled to find a different event...enter random-WI-triathlon! Thanks, Blackhawk Lake Triathlon, for coming through for my training needs!! :)
This event was a "modified" Olympic distance race...675meter swim, 25.28 (HILLY) mile bike and 5.18 trail run....it was also very informal....almost disconcertingly so. In fact...even the start time was announced on the website as "approximately..." and there was a note on the website not to arrive TOO early as it wasn't necessary. They weren't joking! Also, as a result of it being a small event I am sure, the T-shirts were cotton as opposed to a nice tech-T. UGH! I have NO NEED for more lousy cotton T-shirts! Ok...that's a bit petty/nasty of me, but you other triathletes/runners out there will commiserate with me I am sure ;).
Swim: 15:57.63
Bike: 1:47:44.21
Run: 51:03.72 (9:51 min/mi pace)
Total: 2:54:45:57
So, in between all of these triathlons were a myriad of training adventures....including the Peddling for Kicks 62-mile bike ride on Saturday, July 7, 2012. It was unbelievably hot that day!!! I was VERY thankful for aide stations with Popsicles!!
I also did the M & M ride at the Mackinaw Valley Winery on June 30, 2012. This was a 60-mile ride done with some fun friends.
I trained with a few people this summer, including my friend Jillian. In addition, my friend Stephanie and I had fun long Tuesday-night training rides, along with our friend Shawn. We had our share of training adventures together, as pictured below...
Steph, Jillian and myself on the very HOT Peddling for Kicks 62-mile ride in Bloomington |
Square Lake Triathlon; Stillwater, Minnesota; Sunday, September 9, 2012
Long story short...this is another story of "Rachel registered on a whim!" I had planned for months to visit MN with my friend Jillian to watch her complete this race...her first half Ironman distance race. I bought a plane ticket and planned to fly out Friday after work and meet her up in MN. Jillian's parents live near the location of this race and Jillian, her husband and their son drove up Thursday evening. They also brought my bike; the plan was that Jillian and I would bike part of the bike course together on Friday night so that she would know what she was up against.
Well...the bike course was hilly. That fact was compounded by the awful wind that we fought against Friday night during our ride. Jillian started to get a bit nervous...and I jokingly said that I would do the event with her. She grasped onto that idea more tightly than I expected. Later that night, we met her trainer Luis for coffee at Cariboo Coffee. She told Luis about "our" idea for me to do the event with her...we discussed the fact that I had my own half Ironman distance triathlon only two weeks afterwards. Luis told me that, in his opinion, it would be "fine" if I did the event with Jillian if I just took it easy and tapered a LOT on my training before Branson. Why I felt justified in my craziness by gaining the blessing of a man I'd never met before...I'm not exactly sure ;). But...I decided to go for it :).
Saturday was spent running around completing last-minute preparations for the race...a stop at a biking store for nutrition (I hadn't brought any gels or a anything like that), a new helmet (it was on my list of things to get anyway...mine had a crack in it) and a pouch for the front of my bike to hold gels, etc.
Proud..exhausted...elated...high on life...still in disbelief that I had completed a half Ironman!
I was exhausted in every sense of the word...and ready to EAT! I went with a friend who had also done the race for some celebratory Mexican food afterwards. I had some awesome fish tacos and chips/guac/salsa. Pretty sure there had never been a more delicious meal during my lifetime :). I also ordered a HUGE mango margarita...it was amazing, but I ended up not finishing much of it. I could tell I was dehydrated and that darn thing was gonna make me miserable! So, I cut myself off ;). Yeah, I know...I'm a light-weight.
I am so grateful to my amazing family and awesome friends who supported me every step of the way this past year. I couldn't have completed this event without each and every one of you. I know most people close to me thought I was crazy this summer as my life revolved around my training schedule and races...my craziness probably frustrated quite a few people as well (and I am sorry for this!). I am thankful, though, for the support and love I felt as I prepared to undertake this challenge and goal I had set for myself. As I endured the "personal crisis" of this divorce this past year...having something else to focus on and something to work hard for...helped me immensely. There were some miserable days when I couldn't focus on training and instead sprawled out on my couch, sometimes with a movie on and sometimes with only silence keeping me company. The emotions I've battled this past year cannot be fully put into words. But...I powered through it...with the help of many great people. It's far from over...but I am beginning to see the "light at the end of the tunnel."
I don't know what the
future holds for me...I have faith that there are "good things" on the
horizon...but while much is uncertain, I DO know...
~I have an a amazing family
~I have awesome, supportive friends
am a strong woman (even though I definitely struggle to believe this).
I fought through emotional, mental and physical barriers this past year
to accomplish something that few have done...and this is something that
cannot be taken away from me.
I am also thrilled to report......
I am officially registered for Ironman Wisconsin 2013!! Save The Date...on Sunday, September 8 I will be competing in Ironman Wisconsin in Madison! I would LOVE to have friends and family there to eat dinner with me Saturday night before the race...watch me complete the race...and CELEBRATE when I cross the finish line :). I've told some friends and family I'm doing this...and I sent my mother a text message asking her to come and spectate. I said "Mom! Save the date! On Sept 8 I am doing a FULL Ironman in WI!" Her response (in typical Sally fashion) was..."Oh, I'm busy." Funny, mom. You better BE there, woman!!! ;-)I definitely have my work cut out for me. Among other things, my goals for the winter are to improve my darn swimming and to find a coach....I've never worked with a coach before, but I think it's time! I need to improve in many areas...especially my swimming. I am pretty sure that delving into the world of swimming distances of 2.4 miles in open water is best approached by being coached by someone who has been there/done that! I don't want to drown, for sure!! :)
I'm nervous...but really, really excited too :).
Bring it on, Madison! Bring it on.
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