We left Friday after everyone got off of work and enjoyed some adult beverages and fun in the RV upon arrival at the campground approximately four hours from our homes. Saturday morning we slept in a bit and rather slowly got our gear together before heading out. I, for one, was pleased by the slow pace...I am NOT a morning person. Laura had conducted some extensive prior research about the area and had a list of 12 wineries that we planned to bike to...each was along the "Shawnee Hills Wine Trail." It was a lofty quest, but we felt we were up to it.
Four of us initially set out on our bikes while the other two served as our "sag wagon" driver/rider. They led the way in a car with their two bikes on a rack behind it. The first winery was about 15 miles from our campsite. We ended up taking a few wrong turns (which were blamed on Google maps, naturally) but finally arrived at our first stop. Those of us on bikes were eager to get out of the cold and we were ALL excited to sample the grape juice at the first fine establishment.
Me with Kelly...Matchy-Matchy! |
We spent a while at our first stop and sampled a variety of tasty drinks. My personal favorite here was a frozen slushy wine drink. Ahhhh-mazing! I announced that this would be a PERFECT post-summer-workout refreshment. One member of our group looked at me with disgust and corrected, "I think it would be delicious WITHOUT working out as well." Whatever.
Boys will be boys... |
Our group at our first winery stop |
After sufficiently de-classing the place, the first two car-riders switched places with two initial cyclists. The next leg of the ride was less than 10 miles, but was intense! The hills were MUCH more drastic than any we encounter near home!
For me, the downhills continue to be even more of a challenge than the uphills (in absolutely no way am I claiming ascents to be EASY for me...I am simply saying that COMPARED to flying down a hill, worried I shall surely meet my doom, climbing is highly preferable). Steep descents scare the crap outta me! I'm a HUGE pansy. I'd rather fight through a tough climb 3x than encounter a long, steep descent!
During one especially long downhill portion, I heard a loud whirring noise to my back left. Assuming it was a quickly approaching motor vehicle I started to yell "CAR BACK!!" to my compadre ahead...only to realize it was one of our more skilled group members buzzing by me effortlessly. I corrected myself mid-shout..."CAR BA---oh wait, that's David!" Sighhhh...Must be nice to have skills!!
We arrived at Winery #2 after battling through a nice climb. We ventured inside and learned that this winery served wines that were each made from fruits other than grapes! My particular favorite here was a spiced apple wine...I even ended up purchasing a bottle to bring home (thank goodness for our sag vehicle...we packed that thing full of wine bottles!:-)).
The group (minus me) at the second stop...Dan is rather intense...and apparently David is deep in thought... |
The group at Winery #2 |
The next stop wasn't far at all...around 6 miles or so. As we set off, our group's two best cyclists set off quickly (um, NO, this did NOT include me! ;-)). They were soon out of my sight. We arrived at Winery #3 shortly (two on bikes and two in the car) and noted immediately that our two speed demons were nowhere to be found. The four of us ventured inside and chatted with the people inside, including two cyclists who were apparently from the area...they had lots of advice for us.
After what felt like a long time, we decided that someone should take the car out and look for our wayward friends. Just as we went outside, though, they showed up. Turns out they simply blew by the winery and never noticed the signs. Guess it pays to be slow ;-)...or something like that.
We visited and enjoyed some wine and admired the view out the windows. While it definitely wasn't a "beautiful" day and the trees/vines/grass were still winter-brown, it was easy to picture the grounds a few months later as a gorgeous landscape. I'd like to return in a few months to check it out!
Goofy framed pages from a children's book detailing how wine is made...this was hanging on the wall at Winery #3...please forgive the crappy cell phone photo/glass reflections! |
The area cyclists we spoke with at Winery #3 informed us of another establishment not far away that was known for good food. We decided to make that location, Winery #4, our lunch stop.
After wrapping up at #3, we headed out to #4. It was a short ride...around 4 miles. It started raining a bit during this leg of our journey. It wasn't too bad...but it was cold enough to be mildly unpleasant.
We ventured on in to #4 and were rather entertained to note that literally dozens of patrons stared at us as we walked up to the counter to order. Sure, we were a motley crew...what with our helmet-head, wet biking attire and cycling shoes. But come ON. Have you people never seen cyclists before?! Good grief.
We enjoyed a delicious lunch (and some of us partook in additional beverages, naturally) and formulated a plan of action going forward. Well...to be precise, the plan was formulated without me while I was in the bathroom...convenient! ;-)
By the time we got our food, it was already after four pm. Sunset was projected for 7:18. Some wineries closed at 5:00. It was raining. We were all pretty cold. These factors all pointed toward the reasonable conclusion of wrapping up our adventure and making our way back to the RV for the evening.
The bike rack behind our sag vehicle could only hold 3 bikes at the most...so even if we crammed all six of our wet, smelly, sweaty bodies into the car, we'd still have to leave 3 bikes behind. Seeing as those are quite the investments...that option was never on the table.
The only option was for three people to return to the campsite with three bikes and leave the other three behind. It was determined that the three left behind would continue on cycling to the next winery and wait there for someone to return with the rescue vehicle. Oddly enough...it was decided that the three people leaving would be the three males and the three people staying (and cycling in the rain) would be the three females. Interesting...
So...three brave, strong, beastly women departed the safety of the warm, dry winery and set out for Winery #5. We pedaled up and down the wet hills and braved the pelting rain that stung our faces as we ventured onward. Somehow...we managed to arrive safely, chilled to the frail bones.
Kelly's and my bikes...safely under a shelter outside Winery #5 post-rainy-ride |
Laura...our fearless EPIC leader! |
After a great day..ready for warmth and relaxation! Look closely and check out the sweet old bike in the window behind me... |
We may or may not have seen him arrive after an hour+ of waiting, shivering around our glasses at the winery. We may or may not have, through the window, noticed him loading up our three bikes on the rack...in the pouring rain. We probably didn't discuss helping and definitely didn't decide to simply pretend we didn't see him...nope.
However, we were all quite grateful to have a warm, dry ride back to the RV and even more grateful for a ride to the shower house for HOT showers at the campground. The rest of the night we ate...drank...laughed...dozed off...and played gluten free beer pong. Ha!
It was a great weekend...full of friends and cycling. I always enjoy running and/or biking in new locales. In spite of the cold and rain, I really enjoyed riding on the wine trail. It was a blast! And it was definitely a legitimate workout. I was the only one of our group who biked the entire distance...so I was proud of that fact ;-). I'm not fast, but I'm determined (or something like that ;-)). Aaaand...I handled the new pedals/shoes and aerobars without falling off or doing anything terribly stupid! I still feel like a poser...but I'm learning the ways of "real" cyclists gradually!
I'm looking forward to many more training adventures as things heat up this spring and summer!
We were quite entertained by this tepee at the campground across from our RV |