Thursday, February 3, 2011

New shoes :)

Romo.....I bet you have an opinion on these :).  Spill it! :)

Posted by Rachelyn via Blogaway


Romo said...

A woman asks my opinion AFTER she's already done something. It's a trap ! You could also ask me the classic question if you look 'fat' in a dress. In which case I'd rather fake a heart attack than answer. To her credit, my wife has never asked me that question. She looks 'smashing' in a dress.

Boy, the last couple of years have been great for people asking my opinion AFTER the fact: What do you think of all the Microsoft stock I bought ? Do you think sex with my friend's husband incites drama into my life ? Should I continue with a land war in Asia ? The hits just keep on coming.

I did see someone with those on in the weight room. Then he dropped a 25 pounder on his tootsies. So it goes. I think you could hear that yell all the way to the lap pool.

Let me think about offering some thoughts based on having an informed opinion, which I really don't have at this point. Did Mitch at Often Running sell you those ?

Romo said...

Okay, here goes:

Well, you're light, so you can get away with things. If someone were even slightly overweight, ten pounds or so, this adds a large increase in Newton force to the foot, ankle knee and hip joints.

If I were 18 years old again, 5-10 and 140 lbs, I could see myself enjoying these. That was when I could finish a 10 K in under 35 and half a mile well under 2.

The thing is you'll have to try and read your body on how it responds. Remember, modern humans have not been walking barefoot since birth. We have adapted to a life wearing shoes. A change back to barefoot status can doubtfully be done overnight.

My suggestion is to listen to your body and don't ignore matters if there is a concern. If you have a podiatrist or orthopedic physician, consult with them, if you like.

Most of the information on that product is anecdotal. I hate anecdotal evidence as it borders on superstition. That's the scientist in me.

As with most things: Go slowly, read your body and patience will reveal the answers you're looking for.
No matter what, you're going to be fine.

Rachel Lynn said...

Thanks!!!! Ha! :)

I bought them from Wild Country. I don't think Often Running carries them (they didn't when I checked with them a few months ago, anyway).

Very good-sounding advice...thanks :).

I'm not really planning on going too crazy with them...or on running in them exclusively. I'd say a big piece of my interest is just the novelty of them. However, I've also been reading articles in Runners World and other running resources and I must say...I'm quite intrigued. I really just want to experience them for myself.

So, we'll see :).


Hope all is well in your corner of the world :)

Romo said...

I think it's much,much better to be 'intrigued' and buy a pair of running shoes rather than be 'intrigued' and get a chinese tattoo. :) Have a blast with them.

So, you're all 'aces' by me. If they don't work for running, they'll be great as water shoes or on the beach.

Good luck with them.

Minimalist shoes have been around for decades. Tiger Jayhawks; Nike Oregon Waffle Racers were not much more than a waffle sole and a thin nylon upper. We used to train in our track spikes all the time and there's nothing to those. The Vibram's are a new version of this, reinvented with better manufacturing techniques that allow for a more contoured fit, layered materials, modern fabrics fitted to individual toes.

As always, it's more important that you're running, rather than what you're running in.

Romo said...

A marathon jinx ? Spill it.

Rachel Lynn said...

Well Romo. Since you asked ;).

Basically I had marathons on the mind these past few days.

Ok, let's be honest ;). Marathons are ALWAYS on my mind :).

But even more so I try to figure out my schedule for this year as far as races go. This is difficult because I am not sure just how healthy/strong my body is right now. Not that I am using that as an excuse. I certainly am not. One thing I definitely EXCUSES ;).

So, basically I've decided two things for certain as far as races go this year: 1. I will do the half marathon at the U of I at the end of April and 2. I will run the Marine Corps Marathon at the end of October in DC. Naturally there will be other races in the midst, but those will be my big ones.

No sooner had I made that decision...

Yesterday morning (valentine's day), I was attempting to be a kind little loving wife ;) and planned to make my husband his favorite (NON gluten free!;)) blueberry streusel muffins for breakfast. In all of the rush in getting ready for work that morning and hurrying to get the muffins baked before I needed to head out, I stubbed the middle toe of my left foot on a kitchen chair. I think it may be broken......


Hence, the jinx. I jinxed myself...and broke my toe.


Romo said...

I did ask and the story is an amazingly charming one. I'm typing away at the top of a Hilton on an iPad. You really love that fella and in great ways. It restores my faith in the world. Oh, and by the way, ouch, that had to hurt in a begging for morphine kinda way.

Have you considered just creating the environment that leads to running marathons ? Then, when one is coming up, just go run it. Just thinking out 'Zen'. I find it really works for me and I'm a diehard capitalist.

Blueberry muffins. That is great. Due to a misunderstanding, instead of finer baked goods, I get meatloaf. Yep. Meatloaf. My wife thinks it's my comfort food and she is so happy when she makes it for me I just cannot tell her the truth. My mother never prepared anything that didn't put a desert or shoe leather to shame. In my house, salt was a food group. A-1 sauce was an elixir that cured many dining ills. How can this be ? Mom is British. They just don't have the 'knack'.

Anyway, back to you. I hope you heal up and perhaps x-ray that toe if only to answer the question of a break in that toe. Hey, take a yoga class at 4 Seasons. If the class with Tonya is Tonya Keach, she's quite a nifty person.

Rachel Lynn said...

Ooh, an iPad. I have to say....I'm not a big gadgety-type person...meaning I don't typically get all excited about the latest techy gadgets...but the iPad...yeah, I think they look pretty sweet. If I had a spare couple hundo laying around, I'd probably get one. Do you like it? I've been intrigued by the uses for speech therapy, actually (yeah...that's the dork in me, always thinking about my job ;))...and of course for the way the internet and blogging would be ever at my fingertips ;). Ok, I'm a dork.

Anyway....yeah, I do love "that fella", but in all honesty I am probably a pretty crappy wife, muffins or not. We had a dumb fight on valentine's day that was probably my fault, because I don't know when to shut up. Oh well ;).

Love the meatloaf story...too funny! ;)

Thanks for the yoga tip. I've actually never tried yoga. Should probably give it a whirl.

Romo said...

Since you asked about an iPad:

Yes, I'm big on it for professional and personal use. First, you should wait until at least June, if you are thinking of one, because the iPad 2 is heavily rumored and it will be a significant improvement. Also, get it with 3G,even if you don't think you'll use it. Everyone that I know that simply got it with Wi-fi regrets it.

Professional use: Calendar, contacts, email I have handy and will synch with my phone, desktop and notebook computers. I use a MobileMe account for this. Sometimes I have to handle very time sensitive topics and to be able to type a complete report in minutes and email it out from the middle of nowhere is pretty cool. I can write notes on digital paper and stop having notes on real paper that I tend to lose. I have handwritten multi page documents to help solve an immediate problem and emailed them to the site of the concern. That's huge for helping people. Photos of case studies for clients.

Personal use: I'm reading fiction again. Haven't in years. The iPad has iBooks, a Kindle, and Nook reader available. There is a vast amount of free books: public domain classics ranging from Jane Eyre to Frankenstein to the collected works of Plato all courtesy of the Gutenberg Project which is digitizing many thousands of public domain texts.
In short, I can carry a stack of books with me anywhere because it's all digital.

I've recently read ,"The Condition," by Jennifer Haigh,
"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo,"and "The Girl who Played with Fire," by Stieg Larsson, "Frankenstein," by Mary Shelley, "Troublemakers," by Harlan Ellison (Harlan's an acquaintance and I will miss him terribly when he's passed, which unfortunately will be soon. Ron Moore of Battlestar Galactica revere's him. Ron gave me 'Joseph Adama's' lighter from the show), and "Plato's Republic." That's more than I had read in a long time and I did it in about three months.

Always nice to have a couple of movies with me while traveling. Personal photos. It is a great dinner companion. My wife and I can discuss something and look up some odd topic or simply look at the local movie theater listings at the last moment.

I use my notebook computer about 80 percent less. My desktop still sees plenty of use, but it could run a small country.

So, there are my thoughts. If you want one, go to Connecting Point, they will let you 'play' with one all you want. I recommend talking to Bryan.

Rachel Lynn said...

Man, oh man, Romo! That all made me want an iPad even more :). We'll see :). My husband is not a fan...we'll see :)