Saturday, July 23, 2011

My New Friend

Well...I guess you could say I have made a new friend. Or, rather, an old acquaintence is becoming a better friend.

You see, I've been spending a bit more time lately with my lovely Trek bicycle.

I completed my first triathlon on May 22. It was one of the hardest and mentally frustrating things I'd ever done. I had no idea what to REALLY expect....since it was my first.  I was under prepared when I consider the potential/level of general fitness that I feel I do possess. 
After that trying experience...I said good-bye to my bike for over a month.  It wasn't necessarily intentional...but I didn't ride it for almost 5 weeks.  Really, I'd had enough and needed a bit of a break.

Lately, though, my good friend Jillian has "gotten me back on my bike."  Jillian joined a ladies cycling group in our town called The Spokeswomen (the name just cracks me up!).  This morning I went on my 3rd ride with them in the early morning hours.

I daresay, as I become more and more comfortable on my bike and with the gear shifting (formerly a big scary mystery to me)..I'm beginning to enjoy riding.  I find myself looking forward to the next "date" with my new friend, my Trek.

It's a good thing :).

Sure, running is my true "love"...but I'm making room for others as well.  It's no secret:  I'm not the "healthiest" of runners.  I have had a bunch of frustrating injuries over the past 2+ years and know I need to devote more time to cross-training and strength-training to get my body in better all-around shape.  This new-found emerging passion for biking could indeed be a very good thing :).

So, a big thanks to Jillian for encouraging me to get back on the bike :).  And, a big thanks to The Spokeswomen for allowing me to begin to hang out with them for group rides!

Next step??  Tackling getting over my fear of open water swimming....

1 comment:

Jen said...

Hey Rachel...congrats on the Tri!! Jason did one recently and before that I was like...whats all the fuss! It is pretty crazy to watch all those people swim in a big cluster--I would surely drown! Have fun with Trek..hope everything else is going well for you!!