Thursday, October 3, 2013

2014 Team Rev3

This morning I sent in my application for the 2014 Team Rev3...after a few weeks of pondering, writing and editing my words.  Rev3 is an organization that puts on some pretty outstanding races.  Each fall, they offer the opportunity to apply to be a member of Team Rev3.  I am now anxiously awaiting November, when they contact athletes they are considering for their team.

Team members have the FUN responsibility of being ambassadors for the brand.  This can be done in ways such as promoting Rev3 on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter and by encouraging friends and acquaintances to experience an awesome Rev3 event for themselves.  Additionally, team members get great triathlon gear as well as free entries into Rev3 events.  I already talk to others about how much fun I had at the Rev3 events I've participated it wouldn't be a big stretch to help promote the brand more.  Getting awesome free stuff on top of this would be sweet!

Rev3 races are spectacular experiences.  I had the privilege of attending and participating in two this summer:  Rev3 Knoxville and Rev3 Dells.  At both, I participated in relay teams for the Half Rev (70.3 mile distance) events.  In Knoxville I completed the swim leg and at Dells I completed the run.  At both events, my teams won awards!  In Knoxville, my relay team got third and at Dells my relay team got first!  A a result, we received some pretty sweet prizes.

At Rev3 Knoxville with my relay teammates Laura and Steve
At Rev3 Dells with my relay teammates Melissa and Martha
Rev3 strives to have exciting, family-friendly events.  Race weekends include activities for family members of athletes participating in the races.  They even allow family members to cross the finish line with their athlete!  Having had the opportunity to watch children cross a finish line with their parents, I can say first-hand that this is a pretty neat experience for families to have together.  Additionally, Rev3 actively raises funds for individuals affected by cancer.  The creators of Rev3 clearly understand that while training for and racing in triathlons are great live-enhancing activities, there are also things that are even bigger than the sport:  family, friends and giving back to others.  Now THAT is something I can gladly stand behind!

Rev3 has events all over the country...and next year there will be a Rev3 event in Mexico for the first time!  I strongly encourage checking out their race schedule and considering adding one or more of their events to your 2014 race plans.  Regardless of the result of my application to join the Rev3 team, I plan to participate in a number of their events again next year.  I'm already looking forward to a great 2014 racing season!

1 comment:

Alisa said...

Fingers crossed for you!