St. Patrick's Day 5k
March 12, 2017
20:34.5 (6:38 min/mile) *11 second PR over Frosty 5k January 28, 2017*
1st AG (F30-34) (1/30)
5th Female (5/278)
28th overall (28/497)
{My 2nd Race of the 2017 Season and Gabe's first race of 2017!}
{My 2nd Race of the 2017 Season and Gabe's first race of 2017!}
This was my second race as an Often Running Racing Team member after my one-year hiatus and I put a fair amount pressure on myself to make it a GOOD showing (I feel like I have to prove I can still hang with the cool cats on the team!). I came up with the idea a few weeks ago to push Gabe, my 10 1/2 month old son, in the stroller for this race. I wasn’t really sure about how others would feel about this plan of mine, so I kept it somewhat quiet. Selfishly, it’s just easier (if daddy-Clint and I are both planning to race) for me to push Gabe as opposed to finding someone to watch him. Plus, being a work-outside-the-home mother, I do deal with a fair amount of guilt leaving him when I am not at work for something “selfish” like running when we could just participate in the activity together. Additionally, I truly enjoy the added challenge of pushing him while trying to still run “fast.” I am acutely aware that some people really aren’t a fan of stroller runners, though, and I know it is my responsibility to stay out of peoples’ way and not interfere with anyone else’s race. I think (please correct me if I am wrong!) that I do a successful job of this…and I will always make myself open to feedback or criticism if anyone thinks I need to handle myself/the stroller differently.
I went into the race with a goal of running a sub-7 pace with the stroller (read: 6:59). I was shooting for a finishing time of between 21-22 minutes. I knew this would be a challenge with the stroller, but I also knew it was well within the realm of reason based on recent workouts. I have pushed the stroller with Gabe in it during some recent interval workouts and did a 10-miler at goal marathon pace (7:50) with him at the beginning of February. I really wasn’t feeling like anything I was doing with the stroller was much (if at all) slower than runs I was doing without the stroller. I knew the wind forecasted for race day and the slight hills on the course might have an effect on me…but I was game for finding out what I was made of. Bring it!
Clint, Gabe and I left home around 11:40 on the Sunday morning of the race. We had planned to arrive at noon so that we would have a good hour before race start. Having the little guy in tow - the extra prep time was definitely necessary. Big thanks to friend and teammate Gary for getting there even earlier and securing us a great team table in the back of the VFW! We got an ideal parking place (I was really nervous about getting a good parking spot - I knew the VFW would be packed, as it typically is on St. Pat’s race day, and I didn’t want to have to worry about bringing the huge jogging stroller into the building. As long as we could get a good parking place, I figured I could leave it in the back of our SUV and get it out right before the race start.) and started getting things ready to go, physically and mentally. Leading up to the race I really wasn’t too nervous. All week, I had been chatting with some other teammates who WERE pretty nervous leading up to this race and frankly it helped keep my own nerves at bay (because I was focusing on theirs!) - UNTIL race day that is!
After we arrived on site, we went inside the VFW with all of our many parts and pieces and found our crew. I was hoping to do a 2-mile warmup and then take a gel following the warmup prior to heading to the starting line. Between wrangling the child, visiting the bathroom, and figuring everything else out I ended up having time for just a 15-minute warmup. I went out with Clint and Holly-Rae and Amber….Clint turned around at just over a half mile and the rest of us carried on for 15 total minutes prior to getting back to the VFW. I located my Huma gel (in a shoe in the back of the SUV and not in my bag inside the VFW like I thought…sorry Clint - I had asked him to go find it for me) and slurped it down.
Clint and I tag-team peed in a port-potty outside the VFW (took turns watching the stroller/Gabe while the other peed and vice versa) and then jogged to the starting line. This is when my nerves started to really build up - really, they were mostly due to the stroller situation and not wanting to make anyone mad as a result of the stroller-pushing. As we approached the starting area, I gave Gabe one of his favorite snacks - a pouch of applesauce, hoping that it would keep him entertained for a while during the run. He immediately started excitedly slurping on that thing like it was his job.
As we lined up at the starting line, I asked Clint to stand right in front of me/the stroller. I didn’t feel quite right lining up in the very front with my stroller, but I also certainly didn’t want to be far from the front. I asked Clint to stand right in front of me so that I didn’t make anyone else nervous by standing in front of me and worrying that I might run into their ankles with the stroller wheel. Thanks, Clint, for taking one for the team ;).
I had seen and chatted with area speedster Lisa Becharas prior to the race and knew she would be the female winner. I didn’t see many other women that I recognized, other than the speedy Celeste Kudrys, so I wasn’t really sure about what all of the female “competition” was outside of our speedy team. I did eyeball some girls wearing Endurance Company kits and (correctly) assumed they would be fast as well. Soon enough the starting signal was given…and we were off! I blasted out of the gate as quickly as I could, careful not to run into Clint’s Achilles tendons with the front wheel of the stroller. Thankfully, he blasted out even faster so I didn’t need to really worry about that ;). Lisa easily took the lead for females, just as I predicted, and two other quick girls took their places not far behind her.
Quickly, racers settled into a groove as we ran up the first road. I generally had a person next to me, right in front of me, and directly behind me for the next half mile or so but it didn’t seem to me as if I was in anyone’s way with the stroller. I began to relax a bit (I was pretty nervous about getting in someone’s way or messing with someone’s race). I peeked down at Gabe and noticed he was clutching his prized applesauce pouch in both hands…and the darn thing was already completely flattened as a result of him sucking every last drop out. So much for that entertaining him for a while…oh well!!
I settled into my pace as we approached the first left-hand turn. I estimated that I was fourth woman and wondered how long I would be able to keep that post. My first mile clicked off in 6:27.
Sometime early on during the second mile (I think - or it could’ve been late in the first mile), I was passed by another female. Darn it all :)! I wasn’t sure who it was - but later I learned it was Carianna Gibb. We’ve seen one another at a few area races - she has a little guy who is just a few weeks older than Gabe - hooray for little boys! I’m pretty sure she was the top female at Park2Park in 2015 - speedy woman!! I did my best to ensure she didn’t get TOO far ahead of me, but it became clear that I wouldn’t be able to catch her. Without the stroller - maybe, but who knows.
I love that there is a part of this race where the races change directions on the same road so we are able to see one another go by. I cheered for everyone in ORRT attire and anyone else I recognized and was excited to see that Clint appeared to be doing well near the front of the pack. After I rounded the turn-around, I tried to peek back to see if any other girls were super close. I spotted Celeste and Holly-Rae and gave them both a shout as I kept pushing forward. There were a few turns in this mile and I was thankful that I have gotten rather adept at quickly turning the stroller without slowing down much (or without taking out anyone around me!). Things were starting to hurt a bit, which is fine because I guess they SHOULD…but still ;). Mile 2 was over in 6:47….oof…I had slowed a whole 20 seconds/mile down from the first mile!
I willed myself to pick it up a bit as I started in on Mile 3. I kept stealing glances at my little guy and he was silently clutching his precious applesauce pouch in both hands while he chewed on the spout. I silently breathed a prayer of thanks that he was SO content. He is usually pretty chill in the stroller - especially if there are things to watch (like droves of other runners!). However, there have been a few times during which he has become less than happy about his lot in life while in the stroller. Once he starts in on the screaming…nothing usually stops him other than getting out (or falling asleep). However, I don’t think he ever made even a single peep during this race!
Once the finish line was within my sights, I dug in and tried to close the gap on the next girl (Carianna) in front of me. Just before the third mile ticked off, she bent down - her shoelace had come untied! Now’s my chance!! ;) I yelled at her, “just keep going! That happens to all of us!” She glanced back momentarily, smiled, and hopped back up without tying the shoe and powered on toward the finish. Atta girl! Thankfully she never tripped - I would’ve felt terrible if I gave her some bad advice!!
My mile 3 - 6:42. WHOA! I think this is the first time in the history of EVER that my third mile in a 5k wasn’t the slowest! THAT is an accomplishment for me! Now to work on those pretty negative splits...
I didn’t feel like I had a ton left to give, but I put my head down and pushed as hard as I could for the final 0.1. My pace for the final stretch was 6:05. I crossed the finish in 20:34.5 - an average pace of 6:38 and a PR of 11 seconds over my previous PR which was just set at the Frosty 5k in Peoria on January 28. It felt pretty great to smash that PR - WITH the STROLLER!! I was definitely proud of the PR, but I was also very glad to have this fun memory with Gabe (thanks for the pictures, Mike and others!). Additionally, I am glad that I was still able to represent the shop well in spite of the added challenging element of the stroller!
Between us ;)…I am looking forward to seeing just how fast I can get this summer while pushing the stroller....
This was FUN! (in a painful-sorta-way!)
I will steal my friend and fellow ORRT teammate Holly-Rae’s great idea and list my lessons from the day…
What I Learned:
- I CAN push a stroller for a 5k at a sub-7 pace! I had set this goal for myself but didn’t know how realistic it was.
- I CAN run a fast 5k while pushing a stroller AND without interfering with anyone else’s race - with this being such a big area race, I now will feel a little more confident going into other area races this spring/summer with the stroller.
- Gabe’s an easy-going lil' first mate (ok, I already knew this)!!
- I CAN still get faster, even after having a baby!
- I CAN push through the pain for a 5k…now, to learn how to push through the pain for longer distances...
THANKS to Mitch for allowing me to be a part of this great team. THANKS to Saucony for the SWEET gear (my Freedoms are my favorite trainers…EVER!). THANKS to my teammates for the camaraderie. THANKS to Coach Clint for the guidance, patience, and advice. THANKS to Gabe for being the best little co-pilot ever! Sappy/corny/whatever - being a mom is the best thing and sharing this team and my love of running with Gabe is a great honor. Bring on the next challenge/adventure!
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