Saturday, June 26, 2010

1st LRC training run of the season!

So i got back about an hour ago from my first training run of the season with the Lake Run Club marathon training group.  It was great!  It's fun, because now that it's my second season with the group i know at least a few people and feel "legitimate" now ;).  The people there today were running five miles, but my training program called for seven today.  So, i ran the first 2.5 miles with 3 other people in the group, but when they turned around, I continued on for one more mile before turning around to make it a total of seven miles.  When i was about 1.33 miles from the end...I saw Merlin, an awesome runner.  He had been running with me for the first portion, but turned around to finish with the other two in our part of the group.  Well, after they finished...he turned back and came to find me :).  That last 1.33 miles was great!  He really pushed me and we did the last mile in under 8.  Overall, I ran the 7 miles in 1:01, which breaks down to an approximate 8:43/mile pace.

It was a great run! It's so much fun to get a chance to run with other "serious" runners.  Merlin also gave me lots of advice as we ran together...which was fabulous :).

Tomorrow am I am going to go early again to run with the group....but i need to do 14 tomorrow.

Have a great day all!


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