Sadly (in my opinion), that's because I haven't been doing a whole lot in the way of marathon training.
My leg is super jacked. Super.
I feel like a hypochondriac, but I swear I am not.
I know pain can be mental...but I am pretty sure this isn't. I mean, what is there to be afraid of? It's not like this is my first rodeo, kids. This is marathon three! Marathon three in twelve months! It's not exactly "old hat," but it's nothing new either.
I know what to expect.
I know I am SO excited.
I know I have only eleven training days left....
I know I haven't run on land in 6 long days.
As I posted on facebook today, I feel as if I may explode. I've been "redirecting my energy" in somewhat odd (for me!) ways like...making salsa last night. What? Who spends their Monday night making salsa?! It was yummy, if you were wondering ;).
I ran eight miles last Wednesday (September 8) and, frankly, it felt like some sort of torture. The first two miles were heinous. My inner thigh area (groin?) on my right leg was super tight and's a pain that's deep in there. Hard to describe. Painful. Hated.
My knee felt as if it was grinding (right knee...always issues with the right leg!! Wish I could trade it for another left leg. That leg seems to be golden, for the most part).
I took 4 Ibuprofens before I left...and they seemed to kick in after about 5 miles or so. Well, either they were kicking in or my leg was just going numb. Or both.
I was definitely numb.
I did most of the 8 miles at a 9 min/mile pace, but was able to speed up a bit at the end (once the numbness set in!) to an 8:30 min/mile pace.
Right now...I am learning patience. I am not a patient person. Not in the slightest. Actually, that may not be entirely true ;). I had a teacher at a school where I see some kiddos for speech today compliment my patience. I also had a parent of a little guy I see on Mondays commend my patient demeanor with his son after the session on Monday. So, I guess I've got it in me somewhere ;). I have to admit, though, while I may exude patience on the exterior at times like that when it really "counts"...on the inside I am anything but.
And right now...I am anything but patient.
I want to run, and I want to run...NOW. Tonight. Last night. Every night.
I hate this leg for holding me back.
But....I am holding out for the "prize"...taking some time off, because I know my knee needs to heal. I know I can't obtain my prize...starting the Quad Cities Marathon 11 days, 14 hours, and 41 minutes from now and finishing said race approximately four hours after this kind of pain.
I am jealous of every runner I see outside. We've been blessed with some amazing weather here in Central IL lately...and all I can think about is how much I want to be out there running, how much I feel like I need to be out there running, and how frustrated I am by the fact that I am NOT out there running.
Do I have a problem?
Yeah, probably. Probably a few ;).
Saturday I went to water aerobics with my dear pregnant friend. I mocked it ;) before trying it, but it ended up being a great workout...and it truly made my leg feel awesome.
Sunday I did pool running for an hour. Talk about boring ;). But, again, my leg felt awesome.
Blah blah blah.
here's hoping things improve, soon.
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