I've been cooperative and have been heeding the advice from my PT (for the most part :)).
I've been resting.
I've been stretching.
Popping pills (ugh, I try not to do much of that though).
Going in for ultrasound treatments.
And....resting some more.
I haven't gone on a REAL run since Sunday, September 26th.
(Did I mention that "real" run was a PR marathon!? ;) 26.2 in roughly 3 hours and 53 minutes, baby! When I'm feeling down about not being able to run...I just repeat that fact over and over to myself in my head. Makes me remember I'm not really a failure :))
Whoops, I guess I also ran on Saturday, October 2nd, a mere six days after that marathon. I did do a "little" 5k...Run the Woods (an Easter Seals fundraiser)...and did get 2nd in my age group. Meh....
But, I don't really consider running 3.1 miles much of a run to me right now. It's just a tease!!
So, for all intents and purposes...it's been EIGHT FULL WEEKS since I've been on a REAL run. WOW!!!! That is some crazy, crazy, crazy stuff....coming from someone who ran 3 marathons in 12 months.
I have been gaining weight...which is NOT fun...and some days I am in denial about it (until I looked at a picture of myself taken Friday night and realized I really need to get things back in check. Good grief, Rachel.). I need to be better about adjusting my diet due to decreased activity...but I haven't been very good at that.
Spinning classes....namely, 5:15 am "hour of power" spinning classes...have been saving me. I've gone a few times over the past few weeks...and I feel like they give me the cardio/sweat fest I crave. I don't necessarily think they are great on my Achilles, but it's definitely not like running. And I'm "careful" ;).
I went to a Zumba class yesterday...it was a fundraiser for Easter Seals put on by some students at Heartland Community College. It was a lot of fun! Also, though, maybe not the wisest choice healing-wise. That hard floor was a bit rough on joints. It was a 2-hour "event"; I was a bit late and participated for about 1 hour and 45 minutes. I felt really silly...I am SO not coordinated. But, it was fun!
I haven't been swimming in the past 2 weeks. I swam/pool jogged so much over the past 2 months or so that I felt as if I was going to sprout gills ;). I am not really a big fan of swimming. It's SO good for you, though, I should probably get back at it.
I would love to schedule marathon 4...but I can't yet. Darn you, Achilles!