My friend from work, Jillian, informed me that she wants to train for and particiate in the triathlon Jeremy and I decide to do next spring/summer as well! It would be great to have a female companion during the race...since I know Jeremy and I won't stay together (most likely!). Jillian is a lot of fun, too :). We ran the Easter Seals Run the Woods 5k together in October. It was a lot of fun to have her to talk to during the race!
We really need to get serious about our training, though. We kind of slacked off this week. In my opinion, I am in crappy shape. I was in much better shape during graduate school when I actually had more time to work out. Gosh, that's a weird thought! In grad school I thought I was just SO busy...and Jeremy always teased me and told me I had NO idea and that I should just wait until I got into the "real world" and started working...then I would KNOW what stress and busy-ness were REALLY like! ;) Well, as is typical, he was right!!
I need to make working out a bigger priority. I am definitely not in terrible shape...I can hold my own. However, I am not where I would like to be...and definitely not where I want to be pre-pregnancy! I want to be in the healthiest shape of my life before adding a baby to my belly ;)...and, in my opinion, I have a long way to go...
Oh, and tomorrow's Thanksgiving. Harumph. Maybe the healthy eating part will start Friday. Or how about waiting until after the weekend...we are going to a birthday party Saturday night! ;) HA!
Excuses, excuses...
Stop it, Rachel!!!
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