It's been a frustrating week+! I've been sick since last Monday...which means today is day 9 of this. I am on the mend, I think. I broke down and went to the doctor yesterday and he served me up with some drugs. I typically hate taking any sort of medications (even just OTC stuff), but I am desperate. The marathon is now just ELEVEN days away and things are serious.
I did get on the treadmill today for 6 miles of intervals...felt great. I had a huge smile on my face as I sounds corny, but I felt like I was right where I belonged :). Back in the saddle, so to speak :).
Before today, I took off yesterday (Monday)...and Sunday....and Saturday.
Friday, I ran 5 miles along a lake in MN where I was attending a continuing education course with some co-workers. It was ok....but somewhat miserable. I could barely breath and was rather constipated on top of it. Nice.
Wednesday and Thursday were also full of NOTHING in the way of athletic activity. I'm tellin' ya, I was SICK! Down and out. Misery-ridden.
Tuesday I ran 4.5 at marathon pace (8:24). Monday I spent 40ish min in the pool doing some pool-jogging. Sunday (the 16th) I did my 20 miler....
Time for bed :). Just wanted to get that all down!
Did I mention that the big day is only ELEVEN days away?!
From Mark Allen: "Think no thoughts. Yes, stop that brain of yours from getting in the way of what you are trained to do. Have no thought. Have you practiced it? Can you do it under pressure? This simple skill will help take you past impossible moments when your logical brain is telling you your goal is way out of reach. It keeps you on track when thoughts would derail your efforts"
Just what I need to keep in mind! :)
Actually, that concept is from Guatama Buddha from around 600 BC. Nicely hijacked. He is the most well known of the four Buddhas.
Ha! Well there you have it ;). I got the quote off of a running blog :)
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