Thursday, August 29, 2013


Last weekend I had the privilege of attending a party...thrown in my honor!  My lovely friend Amy Johnson and her husband Tom, along with help from my friend Kelli Cothern, hosted a party dubbed "Run Rachel Run (and bike and swim!)".

When Amy first asked me a few months ago about having a party for me, it totally caught me off guard. A party for me?!  People wanted to have a party for me to support my craziness in training for/attempting/completing an Ironman?  I was kinda flabbergasted, frankly!  Though I don't exactly relish the idea of being the center of attention...spending a night with a bunch of friends all in the same place sounded like a great idea to me, so I said I was in!

The party was really, really nice. It was fun to see and talk to a lot of good friends, it was great to see Amy and Tom's beautiful new home and the food was yummy!  It was even creatively triathlon-themed.  My favorite part was the area labeled "hydration station"...cracked me up. Amy had hung signs on decorative paper around the house that had Ironman fun-facts (even in the bathroom ;-)).  There was a place for people to write encouraging notes for me as well. I loved this...I've even thought about putting these notes in my pockets or in one of the small bags on my bike on race day for some inspiration (knowing I will need it!). 

The night was a relaxing break from the mental and physical intensity of training. It was so nice to chat...and eat with friends. Speaking of eating, I had completed my final 100-mile/century ride prior to Ironman that I wall all-too-happy to nosh on the tasty treats that abounded (Jillian's chocolatey-coconutty chex mix in particular!!).

I'm so grateful to everyone who came to the party, and to Amy and Kelli for all of their hard work!  Of course I have many friends who weren't there (some of whom have committed to being in Madison to cheer me on in person Ironman weekend!) who I also appreciate very much. Each encouraging word, Facebook message, card, etc. has meant immeasurably much to me as I prepare for this big, crazy race. I wouldn't be where I am today without "my people."  I am one lucky...maybe even blessed...woman!  I know it hasn't been easy for some to be friends with a prospective-Ironwoman as I haven't been able to be "around" as much due to the intense training schedule...but I appreciate the patience, support and understanding shown to me very much. I hope to make it up after race day!

With that said...8 days to go!  (Breathe!!)

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